
Close up and Personal!

'Close Up' is a series of stripped-down, hyper close portraits produced by, photographer Martin Schoeller. New York based, Schoeller's style of photography is distinguished by similar treatment of all subjects, whether celebrity or ordinary people, same lighting, backdrop, and tone. The way Schoeller captures his subjects, are produced so clearly, it is almost as if we look at the images with a magnify glass. These images ask us, the viewer, to consider the depths of the human identity, emphasizing this by clear, sharp focus on the facial features. Schoeller achieves this particular way of photography, by using a shallow depth of field, which results in these dramatic and greatly emphasized images. Schoeller uses the same recognizable technique throughout his work, but never result in the same image. Each image has its own characteristics, and its own way of presenting itself to the viewer. Shooting with medium format camera, with a 140mm macro lens and uses Kodak portra VC 400 ASA film.  Using four light sources, he would set his camera on a tripod, five feet back from the sitter, and would normally shot at f/5.6, with an ISO 400. 


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