
Modernism Art

The term Modernism applies in retrospect to the wide range of experimental and avant-garde in the arts. Modernism was a revolt against the traditional values of realism, so in sense, modernism in the art world is primarily based on imagination, and not on what the artist is actually seeing. Modernism gathered its movement from about the 1850s, which proposes new forms of art on the grounds that these are more appropriate to the present time. It is thus characterised by constant innovation, meaning the act or process of inventing or introducing something new. But modern art has often been driven too by various social and political agendas. Modernism was in general associated with ideal visions of human life and prefect states or places and a belief in progress. The terms modernism and modern art are generally used to describe the succession of art movements that critics and historians have identified since Realism, culminating in abstract art and its developments up to the 1960s. For insists the work of Jackson Pollock, were we see a canvas, attacked by paint from all corners, which in the process of making paintings in this way, he moved away from figurative representation, and challenged the Western tradition of using easel and brush. 



Dreams come true

‘Where another world is just a wish away’

Annie Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer, who was hired by the Walt Disney Company in 2007 to create a series of photographs, of celebrities to pose as various Walt Disney characters. The series of photographs is named ‘Disney Dreams’. The photographs in the series recreate many of the old classic films created by the Walt Disney Company, such as Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty and so on, using many well known celebrities to pose as the characters, such as David Beckham, Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce, Rachel Weisz, and many others. One of the most absorbing photographs of the series is that of actress Julianne Moore posing as ‘Aerial’ in the portrait of ‘The little Mermaid’ film. The photograph is entitled ‘where another world is just a wish away’, which links in with the film, as ‘Aerial’ wishes to live on land instead of under the sea. This image of Julianne Moore sets an underwater scene of various mythical mermaids situated in coral beds, and swimming freely. The image ‘Where another world is just a wish away’, shows an emotional magical undersea mood. Leibovitz has beyond doubt, produced an incredible image of mythical mermaids, taken from the Disney film ‘The Little Mermaid’. She has brought to life, a childhood fairytale. 


Pure Fantasy

Ever since I remember, being interested in photography, I have always collected and bought fashion magazine, Vogue. Fashion photography, is a particular favourite genre of mine, with Vogue showing the works of many leading fashion photographers, each issues is pleasant to read a view. I found one of the most striking and radiant pieces that were published in British Vogue was ‘The Snow Queen’. These images were captured by, world renowned fashion photography, Tim Walker. These images capture enchanting, fairytale couture, to the highest standard. We see fashion model, Caroline Trentini, wearing stunning white frocks, and bold stated clothing, in these mythical goddess looking images. Every element in these fantastic photographs is essential to achieve the look of ‘The Snow Queen’, from the elegant white swans, amazing clothing, striking make-up and structured hair. The way Walker has captured these images splendidly, slightly overexposing some of the scenes gives a sense of wonder to the article. Even the slow shutter speeds of Trentini dancing in a ball gowned, have truly created power, power that the ‘Snow Queen’ would have. Walker has truly lived up to his high status in the fashion industry, which is shown in this article provided by Vogue.  


Photography - Art or Science?

Almost since the moment of its birth, photography began rising debates in areas of art and science. The photographic image reserved the art form of painting, which began artists refusing to accept photography as an art form, and only as a scientific process and method of a visual form. Which launched a group of French artists, in the early 1860’s, protesting that photography was only a mechanical process, never resulting in art pieces that could be compared with works of physical, and imaginable intelligence of  art. Furthermore, the invention of the photography caused considerable concern to many painters, who saw their means of creativeness coming to an end; others even claimed that painting was dead (not true). Thus many artists turned to photography, moving with the times of technology, while others only used photography as an artistic aid to their paintings. Concluding that photography is both an art, and a science that allows us to express our feeling and emotions. However to achieve this; we need to master the scientific part of the medium. Unlike a painter, who is in direct with their subject and canvas, a photographer is separated by the camera and from his "canvas" by computers and printers and by darkroom equipment previously.



Karin Bubas is a favourite contemporary photographer, of mine. Bubas has produced a photographic series; entitled ‘Studies in Landscapes and Wardrobe’, which takes its inspiration from the renowned films of Alfred Hitchcock and Michelangelo Antonioni. Her images use the language of Hitchcock's cinematography, and Antonioni's depiction of women, where they are seemingly lost in expansive settings. Bubas uses her friends to pose for her images, directing them she has created a series of images that remind the viewer of film and paintings. Bubas carefully dresses her models in selected costumes and clothing, and then positions them in pre-planned locations in the Vancouver area. The photographic c-prints depict stylish women in various environments with their faces turned away, presented in deep white mounts, and black wooden frames, without glass. The removal of the glass breaks a physical barrier between the work and the viewer, resulting in a sense of voyeurism and intimacy. Some of the pictures have the subjects situated with their backs to the camera; some have a profile view with their heads turned so we cannot see their faces. The way Bubas places the camera creates a crucial tension between the women, their clothing, the spaces they inhabit, and what they are looking at. 


Close up and Personal!

'Close Up' is a series of stripped-down, hyper close portraits produced by, photographer Martin Schoeller. New York based, Schoeller's style of photography is distinguished by similar treatment of all subjects, whether celebrity or ordinary people, same lighting, backdrop, and tone. The way Schoeller captures his subjects, are produced so clearly, it is almost as if we look at the images with a magnify glass. These images ask us, the viewer, to consider the depths of the human identity, emphasizing this by clear, sharp focus on the facial features. Schoeller achieves this particular way of photography, by using a shallow depth of field, which results in these dramatic and greatly emphasized images. Schoeller uses the same recognizable technique throughout his work, but never result in the same image. Each image has its own characteristics, and its own way of presenting itself to the viewer. Shooting with medium format camera, with a 140mm macro lens and uses Kodak portra VC 400 ASA film.  Using four light sources, he would set his camera on a tripod, five feet back from the sitter, and would normally shot at f/5.6, with an ISO 400. 


Feminist Art

Since the late 1960s, when the feminist art movement came alive, women became particularly interested in what makes them different from males. Consequently, what makes women artists and their art work different from male artists and their art? Men have maintained for many years,  a studio system which has excluded and isolated women from training and becoming artists, also gallery system that  kept women from exhibiting and selling their work, as well as from being collected by the museums. Times have changed, and there are many artwork produced by women that thrive against anti-female views. One of the most influencing feminist works that is out there now, is from the art group ‘Guerrilla Girls’. The Guerrilla Girls’ is an anonymous group of feminist artists established in New York City in 1985. They are best known for their posters, books, billboards, appearances and other creative forms. The group uses facts, humour and outrageous visual imagery to expose discrimination and corruption in the art world. Their work is striking and visually shows to the general public that women can do exactly what men can do. Their work basically puts a middle finger up to patriarchal societies. 
