
Dreams come true

‘Where another world is just a wish away’

Annie Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer, who was hired by the Walt Disney Company in 2007 to create a series of photographs, of celebrities to pose as various Walt Disney characters. The series of photographs is named ‘Disney Dreams’. The photographs in the series recreate many of the old classic films created by the Walt Disney Company, such as Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty and so on, using many well known celebrities to pose as the characters, such as David Beckham, Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce, Rachel Weisz, and many others. One of the most absorbing photographs of the series is that of actress Julianne Moore posing as ‘Aerial’ in the portrait of ‘The little Mermaid’ film. The photograph is entitled ‘where another world is just a wish away’, which links in with the film, as ‘Aerial’ wishes to live on land instead of under the sea. This image of Julianne Moore sets an underwater scene of various mythical mermaids situated in coral beds, and swimming freely. The image ‘Where another world is just a wish away’, shows an emotional magical undersea mood. Leibovitz has beyond doubt, produced an incredible image of mythical mermaids, taken from the Disney film ‘The Little Mermaid’. She has brought to life, a childhood fairytale. 


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